The Algerian-American Foundation for Culture, Education, Science and Technology (AAF-CEST) and the University of Houari Boumédiène (USTHB) With the support of La Direction Générale de la Recherche Scientifique et du Développement Technologique (DGRSDT), Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, are pleased to announce a course on Smart Grids as part of the 2018 Summer University on July 15-20, 2018 at Mostefa Benboulaid - Batna2 University, Batna.
G4 : GLOBAL Organizing Committee AAF Organising Committee
USTHB Organising Committee
BATNA 2 Organising Committee
G4 : USTHB Organizing Committee
G4 : Batna 2 Organizing Committee
Applicants must send the registration form with a short CV via the submission link:
AAF2018SUM-Instructions for Authors.pdf
Topic 1: Smart Grids in USTHB ;
Topic 2: Biology, biotechnology and health ;
Topic 3: Civil engineering and architecture ;
Topic 4: Smart Grids in Batna .
By F.Djebarra