Yahia Baghzouz received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, in 1981, ’82 and ’86, respectively. Hisarea of interest is in electrical power systems. His field of expertise within this branch of electrical engineering focuses on electric power quality and renewable resources. He worked on numerous related projects that were sponsored by private industry, national laboratories, and the US Department of Energy. He served as Conference Chairman for the IEEE 7th Int. Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power held in 1996 in Las Vegas, NV, and he has been co-chairing the executive committee of this conference over the past decade. Dr. Baghzouz authored/co-authored over 100 articles on power quality, power system modeling and distributed generation. He has been teaching courses in power system engineering, power electronics, and circuits at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is Senior Member of IEEE and a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Nevada.
Seddik Bacha received the Diplômed’IngénieurenElectrotechniqueand the Magister from the EcoleNationalePolytechnique of Algiers, Algeria, respectively in 1982 and 1990. After 8 year of teaching activity at the EcoleNationalePolytechnique and UniversitéAbderahmane Mira, he joined the Laboratoired’Electrotechnique de Grenoble in 1990 where he received the Doctorate Degree and Habilitation à Diriger de Recherche Diploma from Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble in 1993 and 1998 respectively.
He is currently full professor within Grenoble Alpes University in charge of Electric Engineering, power Electronics, mathematics and control lectures for various undergraduate courses.
His main research interests are modeling, control and simulation of energy systems and Supergrids/microgrids. He had supervised in this field more than 50 PhD defended thesis,
published one book related to power electronics modeling and control and another one on Electric Vehicle to Grid management issues. He has published nearly 450 journals and conferences papers in his area of expertise.
He has been the Power System Group Manager (around 70 people) inside the G2Elab Laboratory during from 2000 to 2012 and Director Deputy of the National Group GDR SEEDS from 2012 to the end of 2017. Currently he is Program Scientific Director within the SuperGrid Institute in Lyon.
Others : Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics ; SM IEEE .
Mohamed Boudour received the B.Sc, M.Sc and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of Algiers in 1991, 1994 and 2004 respectively. Since January 1994, he has been with the University of Sciences and Technology HouariBoumediene of Algiers (USTHB). He was a Fulbright fellow at the University of Washington, Seattle (USA) in 2005-2006. He has been a visiting Professor at ESIGELEC, Rouen (France) since 2005. He is a member of the executive committee of ARELEC (Algerian CIGRE), and an IEEE Senior Member since 2007. His main interests are Power Systems Stability, Security assessment and Control using intelligent programming, integration of new dispersed energy resources and renewable energy sources in smart grids. He has chaired more than a hundred Bachelor projects, twenty MSc Theses and ten Phd Theses. He has published more than 150 papers in famous journals and international conferences. He has published five books on Power Systems Analysis, Electromechanical Transients in Power Systems, Voltage Stability Assessment in Large Transmission Systems, Security Assessment and Reactive Compensation in Distribution Networks. His is leading industrial projects with the Algerian Electricity Company SONELGAZ. He has organized five International Conferences in Electrical Engineering (ICEE, ICSC, CAGRE) and several Seminars, Doctorial and Workshops. He is the president of the IEEE PES Chapter-Algeria. He is currently the Director of the Electrical and Industrial Systems Laboratory.
Tarek Bouktir was born in Ras El-Oued, Algeria in 1971. He received the B.S degree in Electrical Engineering Power system from Setif University (Algeria) in 1994, his MSc degree from Annaba University (Algeria) in 1998, his PhD degree in power system from Batna University (Algeria) in 2004. His areas of interest are the application of the meta-heuristic methods in optimal power flow, FACTS control and improvement in electric power systems, Multi-Objective Optimization for power systems, Voltage Stability and Security Analysis, and Integration of renewable energy systems to the grid. He is the Editor-In-Chief of Journal of Electrical Systems (Algeria) which is indexed in Scopus and Web of science, the Co-Editor of Journal of Automation & Systems Engineering (Algeria). He currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journals: Telkomnika indonesian journal of electrical engineering, Indonesia, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Indonesia. He serves as reviewer with the Journals: Journal IEEE Transactions on SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (USA), ETEP - European Transactions on Electrical Power Engineering, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Turkey, Applied Soft Computing. He served as Conference Chairman for Seven International Conferences in Electrical Engineering in Algeria
and Tunisia. He is with the Department of Electrical Engineering in Ferhat Abbes University, Setif 1, Algeria. He has served as Director of Institute of Electrical Engineering, University of Larbi Ben M’Hidi, Oum El Bouaghi and President of the Scientific Council of the department of Electrical Engineering in University of Setif 1. He is currently a member of the Board of the University of Setif 1. He teaches courses in power system analysis, and integration of renewable energy systems to the grid at the University of Setif 1.
Ali Feliachi received the Diplôme d’IngénieurenElectrotechnique from the Ecole NationalePolytechnique of Algiers, Algeria, in 1976, and the MS and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA in 1979 and 1983 respectively.
Before coming to the USA he has taught at the Ecole Supérieure de Chimie of the University of Algiers and at the Lycée Ourida Meddad in El-Harrach, Algeria. He also worked at SONELGAZ in 1976.
At Georgia Tech, he was employed as a Graduate Research Assistant and a Postdoc after graduation. He worked, as a consultant, for Georgia Power Company before joining the Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at West Virginia University in 1984 where he is currently a Full Professor and the Director of the Advanced Power & Electricity Research Center (APERC). He also held the Electric Power Systems Endowed Chair Position for 15 years until 2017.
His research interests are modeling, control and simulation of smart grids and electric power systems. He has secured over nine million dollars in external funding from electric utilities (Allegheny Power, Duquesne Light), US DoE, US DoD, NSF, and EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute). He has published over 280 journal and conference articles in his field of expertise.
Specifically, in Algeria, he has given several conference plenary talks and he has taught a short course (one week) on Real-Time Control of Power Systems as part of the PGS Sonelgaz/USTHB in 2013 and 2015.
Dr. Feliachi is a senior member of IEEE, and a member of the honorary societies Pi Mu Epsilon (Math), Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering), and Sigma Xi (Research). He received the ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) North Central Section Dow Outstanding Young Faculty Award in 1987, the following awards from the College of Engineering at West Virginia University: Leadership Award in 1989, Outstanding Researcher Award in 1991, 2004 and 2005, Researcher of the Year in 2005, Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award in 1991. In 1994 he received the Claude Benedum Distinguished Scholar Award for the Sciences and Technology from West Virginia University.
Leila Mokhnache wasborn in the Aures mountains of Algeria. She received the Diplôme de Magister in Electrical Engineering/power systems from the University of Batna, Algeria, in 1997, and the Doctorat d’état in Electrical Engineering from l’Ecole Nationale Polytechnique (ENP) of Algiers in 2004.
She joined the University of Batna in its Electrical Engineering department in 1998 where she chaired more than fourty Bachelor projects and about twenty MSc and Phd theses adding to others at ENP as co-chair. Dr. Mokhnache is a full professorand a member of the scientific council.She is leading an innovative training project in green energy where a branch of smart Grids is proposed.
Her research interests are modeling and diagnosis of high voltage systems using artificial intelligence. She has published over 115 journal and conference articles in her field of interest.
Dr. Mokhnache developed relationships with industry in Algeria such as Sonelgaz and Sonatrach and many of their auxiliary companies as SPE, SKMK, GRTE, MEI, SKTM and DMB, the prestigious compagny of gaz at Hassi R’mel and the research labs of Sonatrach at Boumerdes.
She participated in the inaugural Techwomen Program launched by president Obama in 2011 which was held in the Silicon Valley.
She receives many awards mainly the award of the President of her university as the best researcher in April 2013 and was in the 5 top more cited by SCOPUS at her university in 2015.
By F.Djebarra